Web Serials on Kindle Vella

Urban Fantasy
Felix Chance
A walking Twilight Zone with a dash of Doctor Who.
Luck is his greatest skill, and until he’s lost, he can always win.
Read the original serial that started it all and catch up with the latest episodes not yet in print.

Mil Sci-fi/Action
Pandora Squad***
Dirty Dozen meets Stargate-SG1
Join a ragtag bunch of soldiers – criminals all – sent to die on an alien world as they face down an alien threat: the reanimated husks of giant spiders.

Science Fantasy
True Tales of Elliot Shaw, Adventurer
I do so that you can tell.
I live the impossible so you don’t have to sweat the details.
They call me Elliot Shaw, and I sell adventure.
Hidden Villains: Arise
An anthology chock full of amazing talent tackle the theme of villains hidden – among us, in plain sight, lurking in the shadows – however they interpret it.
My contribution. Into the Fire, follows billionaire Corbin Frye as he hijacks his own spaceship to hunt for mysterious alien signals coming from the moon. In space, you’re never as alone as you think.
98 Rabbits: An Assemblage of Words
My publishing debut.
A nonsensical farce, to be sure, this assemblage of words chronicles a journey of writing, and reading, and some rabbits. Smatterings of fiction appear along with the beginnings of a fantastical science fiction odyssey.
Join in on the journey through Halfacre Pond with tales of fishing and mermaids, hide from the fright of the Super Blood Wolf Moon, comet dive the sky serpents of the Dractar system, and live again and again throu…wait, I cut that one. Sorry, you’ll have to read it on other pages.
In this book you’ll find encouragement and empathy for any creative endeavor you may undertake. Especially true for the writer. Be gracious and gentle—and do me a favor.
Pick up this book and give it a look.